Saturday 29th
“We arrived at 5 p.m. and forthwith proceeded to get the pay sheets in order, calling up the Indians who had assembled by families carefully counting & paying them, as there are so few in the band we decided to assign them to the Albany band as they are also Crees [illegible] on the English River [illegible] paid their Treaty money and [illegible] Reservation. On Kenogami or English River in the Province of Ontario, beginning at a point three miles below Hds Bay Post in the North side of the River known as English River thence North a frontage of 3 miles and of sufficient depth to provide 1 square for each family of five after the ascertained population of the band.”
Sunday 30th
“Rained all day – Indians without saying anything sat down to their feast in the wet grass at 7:15 p.m.”
Queen’s University Archives. MacMartin Papers
See here for more information about English River First Nation
See here for additional information about English River First Nation