Treaty No. 9 – 1905 – Moose Factory

August 9th

“At 10 a.m. the representative members of the Band to the number of 10 were assembled in an upper Room of the Hds Bay storehouse, it was then explained to them that the King had sent his representatives to them to make a Treaty, that he wished them to be happy and prosperous and that if they entered into Treaty they would be protected, also the King had sent them a present this year of $8 and would grant them an annuity per capita of $4 per annum for all time that when they were ready for some schools would be established for the purpose of educating their children. It was also explained that it was the usual custom to provide a feast for them after the Treaty was signed and that Mr. Mowatt the Hds Bay Companys Agent would provide them with all necessary for their feast that a Reservation would be set aside for them, giving each family of 5 a square mile, that they were not obliged to live on it until they felt inclined, that they could follow their custom of hunting where they pleased the area of land simply being set aside as their own on wh no white man could trespass or enter upon without their permission, also they were expected to elect a chief and advisors and that the chief on election would be provided with a flag and on his successor being elected the flag being a badge or sign of authority was to be transferred.”

“They were then asked if they had anything to say – Fred Mark replied that they had long wished to enter into Treaty, that they concurred in all that had been said, that it was right and reasonable, that they were satisfied that they would be better cared for and protected by the King, that they would obey his laws and be good and dutiful subjects, that under the laws their children would be protected and properly educated, that they thanked the King for the present offered as they were poor & it would help them. 10:30 a.m. the Treaty was signed, in the afternoon the Pay lists were carefully gone into and prepared.”

Queen’s University Archives. MacMartin Papers

See here for more information about Moose Factory First Nation

See here for additional information about Moose Factory First Nation