Treaty No. 9 – 1906 – Abitibi

“It was believed that some difficulty would be experienced at this place in negotiating the treaty. “The post is situated a few miles within the Province of Quebec, and the majority of the Indians who trade there belong to that Province. It was natural for the Indians to conclude that, as it was the Dominion Government and not the Provincial Government that was negotiating the treaty, no distinction would be made between those hunting in Ontario and those hunting in Quebec. The Commissioners had, however, to state that they had no authority to treat with the Quebec Indians, and that the conference in regard to the treaty could only be held with those whose hunting grounds are in the Province of Ontario. The Quebec Indians were, however, given to understand that a conference would be held with them later, and that upon their signifying where they desired to have a reserve set apart for them, the government would undertake to secure, if possible, the land required by them at the place designated.”

“Following the payments an election of a Chief and Councillors was held, which resulted in Louis McDougall Jr. being elected as Chief and and [sic] Michael Penatouche and Andrew McDougall as Councillors. Towards evening the Ontario Chief and Councillors met the Commissioners and a decision was come to regarding the reserve the Indians desired to have located for them, and were informed that their wishes would be given due consideration. At 3 P.M. a conference was held with the Quebec Indians. They stated that they had selected Isha Nychenny for their Chief, and John Kishtabish and John George Cutuche as Councillors. They also informed the Commissioners of the locality where they desired to have a reserve set apart for them, and were informed that an effort would be made to secure the land desired by them. The Chief was presented with a flag and a pipe and some tobacco were presented to the Chief and to each of the Councillors.”

Samuel Stewart  LAC RG 10 Vol. 11399, file 2

See here for more information about Abitibi Post

See here for additional information about Abitibi Post