Treaty No. 9 – 1929 Adhesion – Attawapiskat

“On Monday July 22nd, when prepared to leave for Attawapiskat the plane was found to have a slightly damaged float and this was repaired. Unfortunately while taxiing out on the following day from shore to set out for Attawapiskat the plane struck a submerged stone and sprang a leak. Pilot Higgins was obliged to return to Ottawa for a new float. Commissioner Awrey, to expedite the business in respect of the claim of the Attawapiskat Indians, instead of waiting for the return of the plane from Ottawa the date of which was uncertain, took canoe for Attawapiscat (sic) on Tuesday and after an unprecedented fast trip reached there the following night. Thursday, July 25th , Friday, July 26th , and Saturday, July 27th were spent in paying Treaty money, holding elections, dividing the Albany Band and creating a new and distinct one to be hereafter known as the Attawapiskat Band, to meet the view of the Attawapiscat (sic) Indians, and dealing with their request for a Reserve of their own.”

Treaty Commissioners Report on the making of the Adhesions to Treaty No. 9, 1929, LAC RG 10 Vol. 6819, file 490-2-17

See here for more information about Attawapiskat First Nation

See here for additional information about Attawapiskat First Nation