Treaty No. 9 – 1929 Adhesion – English River

“Commissioner Awrey as Paymaster, in the presence of Commissioner Cain, paid Treaty money to some 99 individuals, over twice the number that presented themselves for admission to Treaty in 1905, and then about half of them had gone to the “line” to trade.” 

“The Commissioners addressed these Indians, who were formed members of the Albany band, emphasizing the necessity of obeying all laws and regulations respecting fishing, trapping, hunting and forest protection. Dr. Bell exhorted them to exercise care with regard to their health and his sympathetic way gave them excellent advice in matters with regard to maintaining and improving their general welfare.”

Treaty Commissioners Report on the making of the Adhesions to Treaty No. 9, 1929, LAC RG 10 Vol. 6819, file 490-2-17