Treaty No. 9 – 1929 Adhesion – Lansdowne House

“Towards evening of this day a Cabin plane of the Western Airways on transporting prospectors to a nearby lake observed the Moth and landed. Arrangements were made to bring a supply of gas the following morning to enable the Moth to proceed to Lansdowne and the remaining points of call on James Bay. That night, however, a violent illness seized Commissioner Cain that forced him to take plane next morning, July 12th, to Sioux Lookout Hospital, reached on the same evening after a stop for refueling at Cat Lake. He was unable to continue the rest of the journey but as the Treaty had been signed at the only point provided in the program and but 50 Trout Lake Indians were to be enrolled the latter requested Commissioner Awrey to list and pay them, which was duly done.”

Treaty Commissioners Report on the making of the Adhesions to Treaty No. 9, 1929, LAC RG 10 Vol. 6819, file 490-2-17

See here for more information about Lansdowne House First Nation

See here for additional information about Lansdowne House First Nation