“The camera man and the mechanic were left at Osnaburgh House to lighten the load. The intention was to return from Trout Lake to pick them up.“
“The Commissioners listened to certain alleged grievances the Indians had with regard to hunting and fishing and explained fully the laws and regulations, as well as the Indians’ rights and privileges. The Indians were strongly urged for their own material welfare to respect the game and fire laws and the response made by them through their interpreter and their own facial expression, and the handclapping showed their approval. The full meaning of Dominion Day Celebration and the significance of the Union Jack were explained to and appreciated by them. Discussion with regard to the use by the Indians of the Reserve and the necessity of having that portion lying North of the Albany River duly approved was pointed out.”
“While Treaty money was being paid and medical attention was being given, the two pilots, Rose and Maxwell, in the WX plane, in preparation for the last leg in the journey to our main objective, Trout Lake, transported gas to Lansdowne House and established an emergency cache of ten gallons at Nibinamik, or Summer Beaver Lake, about 50 miles North of Lansdowne.”
Treaty Commissioners Report on the making of the Adhesions to Treaty No. 9, 1929, LAC RG 10 Vol. 6819, file 490-2-17