Treaty No. 9 – 1930 Adhesion – Attawapiskat

“The Attawapiskat Indians, formerly members of the Albany Band, were detached from the latter and aggregated into a separate band at Treaty payment last year.  The number in all is 583 but of these only 100 met the Commissioners, the others having decamped for their hunting grounds prior to the belated arrival of the planes.” 

“Their Chief, Xavier Chookomoolin, with the three Councillors Jacob Chookomoolin, Jacob Gull, and John Nakogee remained to receive the annuities for the absentees and to discuss the question of the selection of a reserve.” 

“Commissioner Cain joined with paymaster Awery in paying annuities all day and at night conferred with the Indians on the reserve question, the determination of which, both in respect of its size and location, as indicated in the report of last year was deferred until this year.”

Treaty Commissioners Report on the making of the Adhesions to Treaty No. 9, 1930, INAC file 1/1-11-12

See here for more information about Attawapiskat First Nation 

See here for additional information about Attawapiskat First Nation