Treaty No. 9 – 1930 Adhesion – Osnaburgh

“On Sunday morning, July 13th, at the first favourable moment the planes started for Osnaburgh on Lake Joseph and arrived at 12:40 p.m. This post was the scene last year of the fatal accident to Treaty Plane WX, which crashed and sank in the lake carrying to his death an employee of the Hudson’s Bay Company, one Sandy Morrison, upon whose grave in the little Indian burying ground upon the hill, beside the forlorn and neglected looking church, the Commissioners upon arrival placed a wreath of native wild flowers as a silent tribute to Sandy’s memory, and a submission to Death’s inescapable call.”

Treaty Commissioners Report on the making of the Adhesions to Treaty No. 9, 1930, INAC file 1/1-11-12

See here for more information about Osnaburgh Post

See here for additional information about Osnaburgh Post