That night all the Indians, 176 in number, headed by their Chief, were summoned and addressed by the Commissioners, who fully explained the purpose of their coming and sought the reason for the non-appearance of these Indians at Trout Lake last year.. Desired band independence and traditional respect for the counsel of their former chief, now deceased, who urged them not to go that distance until Treaty contract was made but rely on the Government’s sympathy for and interest in them, accounted for their absence.
The Commissioners adopted the same method taken last year at Trout Lake and had the band select from their number certain leaders. Six met the Commissioners in the “Administration Hall” on Thursday night, July 17th , and for several hours discussed the terms and conditions of Treaty No. 9, to which they desired admittance.
The Commissioners, after a thorough explanation of the Treaty was given, urged the leaders to present the case to the entire band and not to agree to a single proposition unless it was clearly understood, since it was the desire of the King’s Representatives to report understanding and unanimity amongst the Indians. John Wesley, whom they knew well and in whom they had confidence, acted as interpreter and being a graduate of the Winnipeg Indian school was quite competent.
Next morning, Friday, July 18 th , the leaders again met the Commissioners and submitted many questions which were fully answered, after which they intimated readiness to sign the Adhesion. The Indians manifested the keenest interest in the mounted map used by the Commissioners, and which was hung upon the flag pole of the “office”.
The Commissioners first signed, followed by the leaders, – Apin Kakepeness, Jonas Wasakimik, Samuel Sawanis, John Quequish, Patrick Kakekayash, and Senis Sakchekapow – each of whom used the Indian Syllabics. The signing was witnessed by Dr. O’Gorman and John Wesley and a snap shot of the occurrence showing the signing with the Chief by the side, forms part of this report.
See here for more information about Windigo (Caribou Lake) First Nation
See here for additional information about Windigo (Caribou Lake) First Nation