Adhesions to Treaty No. 9
WHEREAS His Most Gracious Majesty George V, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, has been pleased to extend the provisions of the Treaty known as The James Bay Treaty or Treaty Number Nine, of which a true copy is hereto annexed, to the Indians inhabiting the hereinafter described territory adjacent to the territory described in the said Treaty, in consideration of the said Indians agreeing to surrender and yield up to His Majesty all their rights, titles and privileges to the hereinafter described territory.
AND WHEREAS we, the Ojibeway, Cree and all other Indians inhabiting the hereinafter described Territory, having had communication of the foregoing Treaty and of the intention of His Most Gracious Majesty to extend its provisions to us, through His Majesty’s Commissioners, Walter Charles Cain, B.A., of the City of Toronto, and Herbert Nathaniel Awrey, of the City of Ottawa, have agreed to surrender and yield up to His Majesty all our rights, titles and privileges to the said territory.
NOW THEREFORE we, the said Ojibeway, Cree and other Indian inhabitants, in consideration of the provisions of the said foregoing Treaty being extended to us, do hereby cede, release, surrender and yield up to the Government of the Dominion of Canada for His Majesty the King and His Successors forever, all our rights, titles and privileges whatsoever in all that tract of land, and land covered by water in the Province of Ontario, comprising part of the District of Kenora (Patricia Portion) containing one hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty square miles, more or less, being bounded on the South by the Northerly limit of Treaty Number Nine; on the West by Easterly limits of Treaties Numbers Three and Five, and the boundary between the Provinces of Ontario and Manitoba; on the North by the waters of Hudson Bay, and on the East by the waters of James Bay and including all islands, islets and rocks, waters and land covered by water within the said limits, and also all the said Indian rights, titles and privileges whatsoever to all other lands and lands covered by water, wherever situated in the Dominion of Canada.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to His Majesty the King and His Successors forever.
AND we, the said Ojibeway, Cree and other Indian inhabitants, represented herein by our Chiefs and Councillors presented as such by the Bands, do hereby agree to accept the several provisions, payments and other benefits, as stated in the said Treaty, and solemnly promise and engage to abide by, carry out and fulfil all the stipulations, obligations and conditions therein on the part of the said Chiefs and Indians therein named, to be observed and performed, and in all things to conform to the articles of the said Treaty as if we ourselves had been originally contracting parties thereto.
AND HIS MAJESTY through His said Commissioners agrees and undertakes to set side reserves for each band as provided by the said aforementioned Treaty, at such places or locations as may be arranged between the said Commissioners and the Chiefs and headmen of each Band
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, His Majesty’s said Commissioners and the said Chiefs and headmen have hereunto subscribed their names at the places and times hereinafter set forth.
SIGNED at Trout Lake, on the Fifth day of July, 1929, by His Majesty’s Commissioners and the Chief and headmen in the presence of the undersigned witnesses after having been first interpreted and explained.
Commissioner Reports
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