
Diary Excerpt

Tuesday, July 11

Up at 4:45. Left 6. Paddled until 11:15 dinner – came in to Osnaburg arrived 4:30 – intensely hot – at 5:30 had conference with chiefmen Oombash from Cat Lake River David Noowayan, Skunk, John Sharp & others all of whom afterwards signed Treaty – ordered a feast – prepared paylist  with Williams.

Wednesday, July 12

Fine day but very hot. Copied paylists – Indians had feast – Missabay’s speech – signed Treaty. Paid in afternoon 278. Elected Chief & presented flag – as Cat Lake there are 30 families of Crane Indians. Oombash will try to get these into Tr. next year – a nice church here. Indians held service this evg.

Thursday, July 13

Wet morning – heavy storm last night. Paid a few Indians. Settled with Chief as to Reserve – as follows:

In the Province of Ont. beginning at the Western entrance of the Albany River running Westward a distance estimated at four miles as far as the Point known as Saman Point at the Eastern entrance of Pedlars Path Bay following the shore of this point Southward and around it across across the narrow entrance of a bay to a point on the East shore of the outlet of Paukumjee–senane–seepee thence due South the total to comprise an area of twenty square miles –

In the N.W.T. beginning at a point in the centre of the foot of the first small bay west of the H.B.C. Post thence west a portage of ten miles and north sufficient distance to give a total area of fifty three square miles including this the precious metals