Eabametoong First Nation / Fort Hope

Diary Excerpt

We were very thankful indeed when we reached shelter about 5 p.m. We received a very hearty welcome from Mr. C. H. M. Gordon who was in charge of the post, and who with a number of Indians had been watching our struggles to prevent being swamped by the high waves.

Fort Hope is an important post of the H. B. Co’s house., it being the meeting place of a large number of Inds whose hunting grounds are on both sides of the Albany, and as far as the head waters of the Winisk River.

Here as at Osnaburgh, we asked the Indians to select representative men to meet the Commissioners in order to that the terms of the treaty might be explained to them.

19th July Met with the Indian representatives in the HBCo’s house. Father F. X. Fafard of the Roman Catholic Mission at Albany also being present.

Very full explanations were asked by the Indians present, they being very much concerned as to what they were expected to give up for the benefits they were to receive.

They were also informed that by signing the treaty they would be acknowledging themselves to be Subjects of His Majesty, the King, and their willingness to observe the laws made by him.

Several of the Indians spoke expressing their pleasure that they were to receive annuity money and also the fact that they were to have lands reserved for their own use.

The Indians then signified their willingness to sign the treaty. which was accordingly done.

The remaining portion of the day was occupied in preparing lists of the Indians, making out pay tickets, paying certain o the Inds. and in arranging for the feast.

We also visited the R,.C. Church and were much struck with the decorations which were the work of one of the priests or lay brothers with very little material at his disposal for the purpose.

The feast was also held and gave great satisfaction to those who shared in it. During the feast elections for the positions of Chief and Councillors were held resulting in the choice of Katchang, Yesno, Joe Goodwin, Beni Ooklnegish and Geo. Quisees.

These all spoke expressing their pleasure that the treaty had been made with them, and promising to faithfully adhere to the conditions contained therein.

It may be said that the H.B. Co. did a big business after the treaty money had been paid. From appearances nearly all the money paid out was soon in the hands of the Company.